2016 – 2017 – 2018 – 2019 – 2020 – 2021 – 2022 – 2023 – Current
Version 3.148.1912.13
New features
- Channal overview added. In the “Data Logger”, “Tachymeter” and “Global Evaluations” modules, you can now display a channel overview for each input or output channel (if you have the corresponding rights). To do this, simply click on the relevant channel in the channel table in the Edit view of a measuring point. On the page that now opens, all recently measured data is displayed as a graphic or as a table. The channel view of an output channel has more tabs, one tab for each inbound channel + a general view.
- New units for hail added. Two new units for hail (hits/cm²) and hail intensity (hits/cm²h) are now available.
- Importing Glötzl CSV files in the data logger module is now possible without station name and channel number.
- Visibility of evaluations can be set In the Edit mode
of measuring points, it is now possible to specify for each evaluation whether it is visible in the respective measuring point view for every user (default setting), or only for users with the right “Measuring points – Edit” (Admins).
Changed functions
- For tachymeter and logger measuring points, the “Filter” column in the “Assignments” tab now shows not only the selected filter, but also the parameters used for the filter.
Fixed bugs
- Logger device channels can now be properly deleted again, even if their name contains a backslash (“\”).
- If measured value gaps occur in diagram evaluations, the measured value line that continues after the gap is now displayed again with the correct, originally set formatting with regard to line thickness, marker, etc.
- If the export of data from a vibration measuring point fails because no data was available in the selected time period, this is now specified in the error message that appears.
- When exporting background data from a vibration measurement point, if the start time was set exactly to midnight (00:00:00), not all data of the selected time period was exported. This has been corrected.
- The alert table now also displays alerts for which only the end time is within the defined observation period, i.e. alerts that started before the start of the observation period but continue into it are now also taken into account again.
Version 3.146.1911.14
Changed functions
- If a folder is being edited and the modification is saved, the user reamins in the Edit view of the folder, rather than being redirected to the page that was visited before opening the Edit view.
Fixed bugs
- For users with the right to access document templates, the corresponding button is now properly displayed again.
- For users with the right to access document templates, the corresponding button is now properly displayed again.
- The calculation process for octave band evaluations has been corrected in the vibration measurement module.
- When assigning tachymeter channels to global evaluations, the channels are now correctly named according to the settings previously selected by the user.
- In the vibration measurement module, in the case of alerts that need to be confirmed or released, those that were already confirmed or released were also displayed at the measuring point. This was caused due to the cache not being updated and has been fixed.
- In the “Manage measuring points” view, folders were wrongly displayed alongside measuring points.
- When modifying and saving the basis folder in the folder hierarchy (i.e. the order which contains all other folders), an error occurred.
- In case of an alert that had already been acknowledged, the acknowledgement could be cancelled by a user with admin rights who did not have the permission to do so.
Version 3.146.1910.21
New features
- The vector graphic evaluation is now available for data loggers. On the view page of a data logger measuring point, a vector graphic can be added under “Evaluations” and then under “Edit”. Here, measured values in the form of vectors can be visualized on an imported image file (such as the plan of a building site).
- Cache for loading lists. Due to the introduction of a cache, measuring point and folder lists are now loaded considerably faster.
- Log with details of errors when creating reports. If generating reports leads to warnings/errors, you will now find a corresponding entry with the generated message for each error/warning on the detail page of the respective report under “Log”, so that the reason for the incorrectly executed creation is now visible even without opening the document.
- Measuring points and folders are now displayed together in one list in the folder view , no longer in separate lists.
- The list of user groups to which a user belongs (Edit view of a user) is now grouped according to project.
- The names of created reportscan now be modified.
- For vector graphics, user input is now checked. When adding a vector graphic, a check of the user’s input is now carried out, analogous to the checks that are performed when adding other evaluations.
Changed functions
- Even for devices that have not yet transmitted any vibration events, the columns of alert tables can now be displayed as they have been configured. Before it was necessary that data was available from the device.
- The display of errors for location-value diagrams has been made clearer and easier to understand.
- After successfully saving a change to a folder, the user is now redirected to the page of the folder above the changed folder in the page hierarchy (example: If the changed folder is a subfolder of the folder “Measurement”, you will end up in the folder “Measurement” after the change). Previously, you were directed to the page visited before the change.
- In the assignment list of device channels, the transmission formula of the assignment is now displayed instead of the offset.
- If a diagram is to be added to “Evaluations”, the first channel must now be occupied, otherwise there will be an error message.
- If a new assignment is created in “Global evaluations”, the units that can be selected in the “Unit category” field via the drop-down menu are now sorted alphabetically.
Fixed bugs
- When displaying the WM-weighted vibration acceleration, the values were previously too large by a factor of 9.81. The change does not apply retroactively to data that has already been imported. If necessary, please contact Support: support@smartdata.center.
- The tachymeter or logger channel can now be properly calculated using formulas again.
- In vibration measuring points with a high number of recorded events, there were unusually long loading times. This has been corrected.
- Measuring points where at least one channel is currently being used in a global evaluation can no longer be deleted.
- If a measurement channel was displayed once as a diagram and once as a table, the time stamps of the same entry in the table and the diagram might differ. These are now identical again.
- All location-value diagrams are now displayed with correct values again.
- For non-admin users that have the right to modify measuring points, errors were shown in some tabs when modifying measuring points. This has been corrected.
- A user group can now no longer be accidentally assigned to the currently active project when a change is made.
- Alert notifications from “Global evaluations” now contain the measuring point names.
Version 3.146.1910.5
Changed functions
- When connecting to the web interface of Menhir measurement devices, the assignment of port numbers is now assigned according to a different scheme.
- Inclinometer chain function block: Measured values are only calculated when input values show no error codes.
Fixed bugs
- Under certain circumstances (if background data packets were larger than 3 days) it was possible that for MR3000 devices, no background data was displayed in diagrams if a relatively small time interval was selected.
Version 3.145.1909.18
New features
- When assigning channels to global evaluations, several channels at once can now be assigned.
Fixed bugs
- The selected unit for “Online status” and “Vibration events” alert definitions was lost after saving.
- With a certain setting (trigger on vector sum) of the Menhir vibration meter, no more vibration events could be imported.
Version 3.145.1909.12
New features
- Vector graphics are now also available for “global evaluations“..
- In the Edit mode of measuring points, under the “Evaluations” tab, setting options for the display of measured values in diagrams has been expanded under “Value axes” (Logger, Tachymeter and Global evaluations). You can now specify for each channel whether no lines or lines of various thickness are displayed between measured value points, and/or if markers (circles) are to be displayed at the measured value points, along with the color of the lines and/or markers. Default settings are: “Line” (as before, lines are displayed), “No markers” (as before, no markers are displayed), or “Automatic” (the colors are assigned, as before, according to the order of the channels).
- Display of user group when editing users. When editing users (only for admins), it is now also displayed in which user groups the currently edited user is currently a member. When editing user groups, you can now also display which users are members of the current user group, by moving the mouse over the number of members.
- Detection of gaps in measuring points can be turned off. The detection of gaps and the associated gray coloring can now be switched off per measuring point. To do this, switch to the advanced settings of the measuring point.
Changed functions
- Selecting the unit in alert definitions is now easier, by now first selecting the unit category and thus making the list of available units more clearly arranged.
Fixed bugs
- In the case of log entries from alerts and reports, the time stamp was the same for all entries, namely the time of the last saving of the alarm or report in each case. This has been fixed in this update – however, it is possible that with old alerts/reports, the timestamps are still the same because they were incorrectly saved in the past. This is especially true for alerts that require release or confirmation.
- If very small SmartFilter time periods were used, it was possible that there was a small discrepancy between the time grid of a diagram and the time stamp of the data points (displayed via Tooltip). This has been corrected.
- Tables were not correctly loaded, if they were organised in groups/registers.
- The Details popup for alerts in measuring point and folder lists was only correctly displayed on the first page of the table.
- The channel list of device measuring points of vibration measurement devices was only properly displayed for admins. An error appeared for non-admins.
Version 3.145.1909.4
New features
- Event tables can now, in addition to the CSV export, be created in reports and are configured there in the same way as in measuring points. The event table can be selected in the “Events” area, the complete structure in the report definition is as follows: Measuring points / Measuring point / Events / Event table.
- New “File list” evaluation : This allows files of a specified folder (relative to the project directory) to be displayed as a table in a measuring point view. If a date is included in the file name and the pattern is recognized, the files are sorted and filtered according to this date. If no date is recognized, the creation date of the files is used.
- Users can now also be archived. They are then no longer shown in the list of users and can also no longer be added as a member of a user group, but logging in is still possible.
- The unit of the value axis of a diagram can be optionally selected (value axis / unit). Previously, the unit of the previous channel was always used as the unit for the diagram.
- For line charts (logger & tachymeter), the measured values can now optionally be drawn as points and the display of a line can also optionally be switched off.
Changed functions
- The definition of channels in diagrams is now found under “Value axis” and no longer on the first level. The reason for this change is that in future, several value axes in one diagram will be possible.
Fixed bugs
- In global evaluations, location-value diagrams and location-value tables can be created as evaluations – however this was not supported.
Version 3.144.1908.9
New features
- It is now possible to connect and calculate measured values from different modules’ measuring points (logger & tachymeter). This happens in the so-called Global evaluations. These serve as a kind of virtual measuring point, in which channels can be assigned and function blocks and evaluations can be created. The only difference is that channels are not connected with devices, but rather with channels from other measuring points.
- For an evaluation (diagram or table), a fixed time range can now optionally be defined in the parameters, which overwrites the set time range from SmartFilter.
- “kOhm” has been added as as a valid resistance unit alias name.
Changed functions
- For location-value diagrams and location-value tables, up to 22 location/value pairs can be specified. (measuring point-channel pairs; tachymeter)
- The process of “cloning” has been renamed everywhere as “Duplicating”
- The parameter representation of diagrams has been revised. Channel assignments can now be found under the “Value axis” group. The reason behind this change is that in future, more than one value axis should be possible within one diagram.
- The number of possible measuring points (tachymeter) in a location-value diagram has been increased to 22.
- The parameters for diagrams and tables could be sorted differently in some cases. This has been standardized.
- For formula function blocks, entering the unit category is now required along with the unit itself. Please note that the category cannot be changed once the function block has been created.
Fixed bugs
- When duplicating measuring points with images in an evaluation, the connected image files were not copied too.
Version 3.142.1907.13
New features
- Alerts can be hidden (for example in the case of false alerts). Hidden alerts remain visible in the alert table, but are marked as hidden. They no longer appear in the folder and measuring point lists.
- Alerts can be deleted. If an alert is deleted, this is logged in the measuring point log with the given reason.
- Releasing alerts: you can now specify that alerts must first be released before alert notifications can be sent. Only users with the corresponding rights can see released alerts.
Changed functions
- The representation of alerts in folder and measuring point lists has been revised and is now more detailed.
- The context menu of devices and measuring points has been revised, standardized and now also contains icons.
- An alert table no longer shows all alerts from a measuring point or a device, but rather only the selected type (such as measuring point alerts, service alerts etc.)
- Measuring point assignments in tachymeter measuring points may no longer overlap in time.
Fixed bugs
- When duplicating measuring points, manually set reference values were not included in the copy.
- The validation of function blocks failed when certain country settings were active.
Version 3.141.1907.3
New features
- The new version of ÖNORM has been integrated and can be used optionally for the evaluation of vibration events. In the measuring point properites, you can select whether the old version ÖNORM:1986 or the new version ÖNORM:2015 should be used.
- Along with the blasting reports for DIN 4150-2/3 and SN 640 312A, a blasting report is now also available for ÖNORM.
- The dBm unit (performance level) is now included in the unit list. With this, the signal strength of the cell reception of a MCC can be represented in a diagram, for example.
- Alerts can now be retroactively given a comment, for example in order to document the cause of an alert. In order to comment on an alert, you must have the corresponding right.
- The licence overview (only for admins) has been revised and now also shows the time period of the available licences. Another new feature is the individual licence view for devices, which can be reached via the context menu in the Devices view (Licence entry).
- When defining assignments in the Logger module, a formula can be specified as a transfer function, so that the measured values of the channel included in the assignment are subjected to a corresponding conversion. With this, an offset value can be taken into consideration or other calculations can be carried out (corrections, complex unit conversions etc.). The variable for the measured values of the (only) channel entering the formula is the string
Changed functions
- The previous possibility of entering an offset value in Logger module assignments has been replaced by the option to enter a general formula (compare with the new feature above related to assignments). To specify the offset
, enter the following formula in the “Transfer function” text field:m1 + <Offset-Wert>
. Note: Existing assignments will be automatically converted. - Individual rights groups for measured value alerts and service alerts have been introduced to user group rights. This means that you can control both the visibility and the modification of alerts. The previous “Read only (including alerts) rights for measuring points and devices have been removed and are now known as the “Measured value alerts / Read only” or “Service alerts / Read only” rights. Note : During the update, the rights are automatically set based on the old rights.
- Channel lists in measuring points are now listed alphabetically throughout.
- Assigning vibration measurement devices to measuring points is now more tolerant with regard to the existing background data channels.
Fixed bugs
- Moving the position of function blocks for a better overview is once again possible.
- The scaling of measured values was incorrect for devices with acceleration sensors.
Version 3.140.1905.18
Fixed bugs
- When importing very large csv files (> 40MB), the coding was not properly recognized and this led to special characters being falsely interpreted.
- When displaying the trigger level of a vibration event, the values were given in the wrong unit.
Version 3.140.1905.8
New features
- Alert definitions can be created by duplicating (cloning) existing alert definitions.
- Report templates can be created by duplicating (cloning) existing report templates. Any folder can be selected as the “target” for the copy.
- Report templates can be moved to any folder.
- It is now possible to output the beginning and/or end of the reporting period of a report within the report document. See: Placeholders for report templates.
- For device measuring points of vibration measurement devices, the available channels of background data are displayed in a list.
- New background data channels from a Menhir measurement device are now supported: Wm-weighted vibration acceleration and A-weighted particle velocity level. These can be displayed as diagrams.
- For A-weighted particle velocity level, the hourly average can also be displayed in the settings of the corresponding evaluation.
- New evaluations for vibration events (in the analysis view of an event): Wm-weighted vibration acceleration and A-weighted particle velocity level.
- The alert limits of an alert definition (vertical or horizontal) can now also be displayed in location/value diagrams in the Logger module.
- The SDC Api has been extended, in order to be able to export background data from a vibration measuring point in CSV format.
Changed functions
- In the formula printout of existing formula function blocks, the base unit of the respective input channel is now automatically added after each measured value variable without unit.
Fixed bugs
- For tachymeter data function blocks of type “Slope”, the handling of the unit of an output channel (slope change amount horizontal) has been corrected so that the alert definition provided for this unit can now be selected for it.
- The values calculated by interpolation at the limits of diagram evaluations were calculated incorrectly under certain circumstances.
- When automatically generating reports, daylight saving time was not correctly taken into account regarding the time of the next report generation.
- When defining the reporting period, the option “7 days” selected a period that was too large by one day.
- Specifying a fixed time period as a report time period is again possible (the entry fields for start and end can be edited again).
- Exporting diagram evaluations as image file: For location/value diagrams, the measured value lines are now drawn over the alert limits of an alert definition (instead of the other way around as before; previously only affected the Tachymeter module).
- In the Analysis view of a vibration event, there was an error in the calculation of the acceleration and VDV values. The VDV peaks of previous events in the event table are therefore incorrect and require recalculation where necessary. If required, please contact Support.
- Despite the maintenance mode, data from measurement devices was still received but not processed. Due to this, it was possible that data from a measurement devices was properly uploaded but could not be seen in SDC.
- An error that occured when exporting a vibration event as an MKA file has been corrected. The export only functioned when the event had previously been exported in a different format.
Version 3.139.1904.27
New features
- There is now a view for reports which contains further details, a creation log and a list of notifications. This view can be opened by clicking on a report (previously clicking on a report started a download). The download can now be initiated via a separate button in the report view.
- During an import, you can use the project settings to ignore certain file types (super-administrators only).
Changed functions
- Alert definitions are now sorted alphabetically in lists.
- Administrators can call up a usage statistic concerning the size of the data bank and the number of sent emails/SMS messages.
Fixed bugs
- Navigating to the Start view previously only worked directly after logging in.
- The “Link to project” in an alert message could lead to an unexpected error message due to missing permissions of a user.
- In certain circumstances it was possible that new alerts could not be created. This resulted in an already existing alert being ended “several times”.
Version 3.139.1904.3
New features
- Alert definitions can now be duplicated (cloned).
- Reports can now be automatically created by using a defined time plane . Once a report has been completed, users belonging to a user group can be notified.
- Reports: It is now possible to include comments from vibration events in reports. See: Placeholder to transfer comments stored for an event
- Adding and modifying reference measurements (also for individual channels) is now noted in the measuring point log.
Changed functions
- Folder view, “Reports” tab: The previous lists of report templates (previously on the left) and of completed reports (previously on the right) are now also available as tables that you can search and sort.
- Edit view of report templates: For all general settings and the report definition settings, separate “Settings” and “Definition” tabs have been added. Under “Settings”, the settings required for automatic report generation (see above) have been added as additional tabs.
- Formula function block: If no units were specified with the variables, they are now automatically added.
- When exporting diagrams, the resolution and size of the existing screen area were previously taken into account for the width and height of a diagram, which could lead to values that did not make sense. Now sensible standard values are given for the export, and values that are too small are rejected.
- Deleting logger device channels is rejected if it is already assigned to a measuring point.
Fixed bugs
- Users without admin rights could not assign devices or channels to a logger measuring point.
- Re-imported vibration events triggered alerts again (if alerts were configured). Now, if alerts have already been detected for a vibration event, the alerts will not be triggered again.
- The color classification of events according to the DIN 4150-3 standard in the event table only worked if DIN 4150-2 was also activated.
- The sorting of notifications in the alert view was not correct.
Version 3.136.1903.14
New features
- In diagrams with several data rows, individual lines can now be hidden or shown by clicking on the legend.
- In Logger and Tachymeter measuring points, line sections in diagrams are colored gray, when the chronological interval between the data points is bigger than the tolerance interval for raw values. Make sure that value suitable to your measurement cycles (one that is big enough) has been set!
Changed functions
- Constant input channels from function blocks are now given as a function block parameter.
Fixed bugs
- Duplication measuring points : Reference measured values were only correctly displayed after updating the browser window.
- Device log: SmartFilter was not properly taken into account.
- When displaying the last measured values of output channels of a tachymeter measuring point, the measured values were displayed in an incorrect unit.
- The parameter for entering an offset was missing in location/value tables for logger data.
Version 3.136.1903.2
New features
- Support for the new data format for Menhir vibration measurement devices. (Only affects event data).
- Mistakenly created data logger device channels can now be manually deleted.
Changed functions
- A “Not enough data for filtering” error code that may have been set by filteringis now retained when outputting to tables.
- Exporting diagrams : Alert labels are now also exported.
- In the Edit mode of the Project Properties, the FTP Credentials tab has been replaced with the Administrator Info tab.
- The frequency axis of an amplitude spectrum now begins with 0Hz.
Fixed bugs
- Report templates were not able to be deleted in some cases.
- Rights administration: Standard users with the “Dashboard – Realy only” right could not see the dashboard button.
- Filtered vibration events were not represented as filtered in a report.
Version 2.14.1902.6 – 05.02.2019
New features:
- You can now freely select the file format when exporting diagrams.
- You can now freely select the file format when exporting diagrams.
- There is now a maintenance mode in SDC, intended for administrative maintenance work (installing new SDC versions or safety updates). When the maintenance mode is active, no service alerts are generated for devices. A notice is also displayed to the user to inform them if and when maintenance is planned.
- New vector graphic diagram type for tachymeter measuring points.
- Logger and tachymeter measured values can now be filtered. See Filtering Tachymeter and Logger Data!
- New function block for calculating a general formula.
- New function block for evaluating water level gauge data.
- When editing function blocks and evaluations, the entry is now checked as it is being saved. This means that eventual errors are immediately identified.
- Dutch can now be selected as a region – this only affects the formatting of numbers and dates. A translation is not currently planned.
Changed functions:
- The event table has been fundamentally revised and improved with regard to sorting and searching. The coloring according to selected norms can now be configured with the help of alert definitions. See Migrations Guide for Version 2.14.
- Evaluations for the Vibration Measurement module such as the event table can now be configured more extensively as before and adapted to your individual needs. For newly created vibration measuring points, the most common evaluations are created automatically by default.
- Function blocks for inclinometer chains now support chains with up to 20 links.
- The input check for measuring point properties has been greatly improved. The position of incorrect entries is now displayed with pinpoint accuracy.
- For location-value diagrams and location-value tables, up to 20 channels (Logger) or 13 location/value pairs (measuring point-channel pairs; Tachymeter) can now be specified.
- The number of decimal points in location values for location-value diagrams and location-value tables can now be configured. In location-value tables, a title for the location column can now be given.