2016 – 2017 – 2018 – 2019 – 2020 – 2021 – 2022 – 2023 – Current
Version 4.5.0
New features
- Several channels can be assigned to one measuring point at once: If several channels need to be assigned to a measuring point, this can be done with one action.
- Modified channels search : The interface has been adjusted; searching for channels is now clearer and easier.
- New function blocks for SINCs (vertical): With this new function block for the logger module, vertical Smart Inclinometer Chains (SINC) can now be used in SDC. The “Glötzl SINC chain link” function block requires a separate licence.
- Text blocks: There is now the option in all modules to add continuous text in evaluation views. This text is then displayed in reports or directly in the interface at freely selectable points. The exception is the vibration measurement module. Here, evaluations for reports must still be manually set up.
- When evaluating vibration events and their assesment according to DIN 4150-2, the time points for the start of day and night can now be viewed and freely defined.
Changed functions
- When saving “Alert for log messages” alert definitions, a check is now carried out whether rules have been defined, when the “Notify a start of alert” option has been selected.
- Previously there were long load times even for simple operations. This has been fixed through a performance optimization. The page load times have been greatly reduced with this version. Folders and measuring points now also load much more quickly. Working with SDC in general should now be much quicker.
- In the case of vibration measurement diagrams, the display when outputting as a file or report has been adjusted so that it now visually corresponds to the display in the browser.
- Dropdown fields to select a user group (such as when configuring alert definitions or report templates) now contain lists that are sorted alphabetically.
- Vibration events can now also be analyzed by users that only have read-only rights.
Fixed bugs
- An error has been removed by which the changeover from day to night values in the evaluation of vibration events according to DIN 4150-2 either directly in SDC or in reports did not work synchronously.
- Creating a report in the inclinometer module failed when it contained evaluations, in which the “Description” field in a measurement was empty.
- In blasting operation reports and lists, a modified information text is now displayed if no corresponding event could be determined for a blasting operation (“Trigger operation not fulfilled”).
- Vibration measuring points that were deleted by a user now no longer appear as selectable measuring points in report definitions.
Version 4.4.0
New features
- Export blasting operations: A list of blasting operations can now be exported as an Excel file. As well as the attributes for each blasting operation, there are further columns with information on the measuring point and a field for the maximum vector sum. Here, the maximum vector sum of any possible event is entered for each measuring point of the folder in which the blasting operations are located. The Excel export can be found in the view of the relevant blasting operation folder. By clicking on the context menu (folder icon
), the “Export blasting operations to Excel” point can be selected to begin the export.
- Display of timestamp of a data point in the Quick Info: If you hover with the mouse over one of the data points of a time/value diagram, the date of the timestamp is now given. This only functions if the time range of the diagram extends over more than one day.
- Improved color representation in the output of diagrams: If a digram is output as a file or in within a report, its representation now corresponds to the SDC view in the web interface. Previously there were differences between the two, for example in the representation of colors.
- Multiple measuring points can be added to a measuring station at once: Since many measuring points often need to be assigned to a measuring station at once, it is now possible to do this.
- The user interface for assigning measuring points to tachymeter measuring stations has been made clearer : Measuring points are now displayed in a table and can be searched for by name.
- Create track monitoring formula block via configuration file: The creation of function blocks for track monitoring previously required more effort. To simplify the process, it is now possible to upload a configuration file and the function blocks can then be automatically created.
- Performance optimisization : Diagrams and tables in the logger and tachymeter modules are now displayed more quickly, espcially when several channels are represented in one diagram/table with different measuring times. In the case of global evaluations, channels can now be calculated and displayed more quickly.
Changed functions
- If data import in the logger, tachymeter or inclinometer module fails due to an incorrect file format, the user is now notified of this error. The notification is given via an entry in the log of the device to which the data is assigned.
- The evaluation view elements “Diagram” and “Table” have been renamed. They are now known as “Time/value diagram” and “Time/value table”.
- The function blocks for user-defined formulae now have instructions for use.
Fixed bugs
- In the vibration measurement module, the display of the “Trigger threshold” point has been amended in the vibration events view. Spaces have been added between the entries for individual components.
- If the time axis of a diagram is divided into whole days by SmartFilter, the vertical gridlines are now correctly placed at 00:00.
Version 4.3.0
New features
- Vector graphics now also function in reports.
- Extended validation of “user-defined formulae” : In the “Logger” and “Global evaluations” modules, the validation of “user-defined formulae” function blocks has been extended when saving. This points out an incorrect specification of the formula to the user.
- New function blocks for inclinometer chains: In the “Global evaluations” module, there are now the two function blocks “Inclinometer chain – differential deformation” and “Inclinometer chain – deformation”. These are used to evaluate the data of an inclinometer chain, similar to the function blocks with the same names in the “Logger” module.
- Company name in heading of SDC interface : To further adapt the SDC interface according to customer requirements, the character string that is displayed in the heading (topmost horizontal menu bar with black background) can be specified by a privileged user (super-administrator). Standard text (as before): “SMART DATA CENTER”.
- Data export in JSON format : The SDC API has been extended, so that data from a logger measuring point or from a “global evaluation” can be exported in JSON format.
- SINC function block :New function block for evaluating Glötzl SINC chain links (Smart Inclinometer Chain) for the vertical case of application. Warning: This is still a pre-release version.
Fixed bugs
- When deleting an online status alert, the start time of the alert must be given in order confirm the deletion. An error that prevented the deletion even when the correct start time was entered has been fixed.
- In the list view of a user group, entered mobile telephone numbers of users are now visible again.
- In the “Notifications” table of alerts that have taken place, more rows were displayed than specified in the settings for table length. This has been corrected.
- Evaluation views can now be fully deleted again.
- When exporting vibration events in XMR format, the overall duration was rounded. This had no effect on the time representation, but could somewhat distort the representation in frequency space for very short events. Complete values are now displayed again.
- In some cases, the graduation marks on the Y axis of a diagram were not shown.
- Vdv background data from Menhir measurement devices were incorrectly scaled during import (factor 1000).
- The formula for adding Vdv values has been corrected.
- Diagram channels for time/value diagrams with compatible units are no longer rejected as “uncompatible”.
- If the start and end of an alert were very close in time, additional alert notifications (SMS and email) were sent, although the corresponding setting was disabled.
- Tachymeter module: if defective measured values should be displayed in a location/value diagram, the location axis minimum was falsely defined in some circumstances.
- Tachymeter module: In some circumstances, the location axis of a location/value diagram was not correctly scaled, which led to orthogonal lines being incorrectly positioned.
Version 4.2.0
New features
- Additional input channels for formula function blocks: Up to eight input channels can now be selected for the “Formula” function block.
- More detailed legends for inclinometer diagrams: The legends on diagrams for inclinometer data are now more detailed, similar to those in the GLNP software. The legend is now displayed in tabular form, whether online, when exporting images or in reports.
- Subsequent editing of inclinometer measurements: It is now possible to subsequently manually edit inclinometer measurement. For this purpose, it can be exported as a CSV file (click on the context menu of the desired measurement (
icon on the right) and select “
Export”). The CSV file can be opened and edited. Then the file can be imported back into SDC. Select the point “
Upload data” from the context menu
in the selected import measuring point. It is important to empty the GUID field of the CSV if the file to be created as a new measurement. Otherwise the GUID can be left in the CSV and the original measurement deleted in SDC. It is only important that a GUID is not in the file being imported and the SDC at the same time, otherwise the export aborts and the original measurement is deleted in SDC. The values in brackets in the third column on the CSV are only intended as an explanation for the user and are not technically necessary.
Changed functions
- SmartFilter settings remain permanently saved: SmartFilter settings remain permanently saved for each user, even after closing SDC or logging out.
- Table length settings remain permanently saved: Above each table is a dialog field which can used to specify how many elements of a table are displayed at once on one page. This setting will now be saved permanently. There are three different types of tables. for each of which a length can be saved: for vibration events, for inclinometer tables and for all other tables (logger, tachymeter and global evaluations).
- When an import measuring point is displayed, all available data is now displayed without time-based restrictions via SmartFilter.
Fixed bugs
- Alert limits are now correctly and completely displayed in diagrams. Even if measured values are over the limit for the main alert, the limits for the alert and pre-alert are still visible.
- The name of a project folder can now no longer be changed independently of the name of the associated project. If the name of a project is changed, the name of the corresponding project folder is also automatically changed.
- In some cases, “No data” was displayed in vector graphics, even though data was available. This has been corrected.
- An error has been corrected, in which entries from lists could not be clicked on larger screens.
- When deleting measurements from a tachymeter data source, the associated measurement data is also properly deleted.
- In some circumstances, variables were inadvertently replaced with the actual values.
Version 4.1.0
New features
- Importing Solexperts data is now possible: With immediate effect, data from Solexperts devices can now be imported into SDC .
- Extended configuration options for the position axis for position-value diagrams: In the logger, tachymeter and comprehensive evaluation modules, there is now a new option field for “Graduation markings and grid lines” in the Edit mode for position-value diagrams. It can be used to control how the position axis of the diagram is labeled. If desired, the grid lines of the diagram can be hidden here, or the labeling of the axis can be adjusted. You can choose from the following options as before (“Auto”), without labeling and grid lines (“no labeling”), or labeling analogous to that under “Position / value pairs” or “Channels” (for loggers and joint evaluations) defined labels (“according to location labels”).
- Import and export of inclinometer measurements in CSV format : Inclinometer measurements can now be exported in the form of a CSV file and then imported again. This allows, for example, further editing or correction of a measurement in a spreadsheet program (e.g. Microsoft Excel).
- Automatic, context-dependent naming of CSV files when exporting an inclinometer measurement : If an inclinometer measuring is exported as a CSV file, it is named automatically. The file name contains various pieces of context information, in order to simplify the sorting of files. The file is named according to the following model: Example with ‘_’ as a separator:Testproject_ResevoirDam_M001_2020-10-03 10:40_Deformation.csv
- The spanish Die spanische vibration standard UNE 22-381 is now available in SDC.
- Adjustable value ranges for inclinometer diagrams: In the case of of inclinometer measurements diagrams, it is now possible to set the value range manually, as well as to set the intervals of the graduation lines (grid lines) yourself. The settings can be made in the corresponding diagram under “Horizontal axis” or “Vertical axis”.
- Colour and line thickness is now configurable for each individual measurement in inclinometer diagrams: Select the desired diagram in the edit view of the corresponding evaluation view. All measurements of the diagram are displayed when you click on the point “Measurements”. Five settings fields are found across two columns for each measurement. In the first column, use the field in the second line to specify the line thickness of the measurement. Use the field in the third line to change the colour of the line.
Changed functions
- Improved display for missing data in location-value diagrams. If no data is available for certain position-values, the line on the diagram is now disrupted. Previously the neighboring data points were connected together.
- The color description “Auto” has been renamed to “Auto (divergent colors)”.
- If the visualization of a folder is being edited, the automatic refresh of the page is paused and clickable links on the visualization (such as towards measuring point pages) are deactivated. These two points previously led to inadvertently leaving the visualization being edited and thereby losing the unsaved changes. This change means that this will not happen in future.
- The reference measurement of the corresponding measuring point is now taken for determining location coordinates in location-value diagrams in the tachymeter module. Previously the current measurement was used.
- In inclinometer module measuring points, reference measurements are now defined per assignment to an import measuring point. This means that multiple reference measurements can now be defined, each valid for the period of the assignment. Previously only one reference measurement per measuring point could be selected.
Fixed bugs
- After a project was deleted, the deleted project remained active. This error has been removed.
- Correction of an error which meant that when editing an evaluation view that was selected as the default web view, the identification of it as the default view was no longer set after saving the change.
- If the formatting of a header level was subsequently modified in a report definition in the vibration measurement module, there were issues in some cases with the associated sub-header levels. This has been corrected.
Version 4.0.0
New features
- Introduction of the inclinometer module: The inclinometer module is introduced with this version. Inclinometer devices can now be added to SDC, monitored and evaluated.
- New setting options for the time range in evaluations: Along with the two previous modes “Auto” and “Fixed”, there is now also the new “Fixed start” mode. While “Auto” is set according to the SmartFilter, a fixed start and end time can be set under “Fixed”. By using “Fixed start”, a fixed start time can be given. The end time is then set according to the SmartFilter. The new option can be selected in all evaluations in which the time interval can be defined by the user.
- Direct link to edit the current standard evaluation view: In the context menu of a measuring point (icon on the right of the measuring point page), there is now the “Edit current evaluation view” point. This leads directly to the edit view of the evaluation view that is currently set as standard.
- Show/hide gridlines in position/value diagrams: In the settings for position/value diagrams, there is now the option to “Show gridlines” under the “Location axis” point. This allows you to hide or show the gridlines of the corresponding diagram.
Fixed bugs
- If columns for “Amplitude spectrum” were selected during the creation of an event table for a vibration measuring point, e.g. “Peak value (frequency) X”, incorrect values were shown that actually belonged to other channels. This has been corrected.
- In the usage statistics for logger alert definitions, all available alerts were shown.
- In some cases in the visualization, unusually large gaps appeared between the marker of a folder measuring point and its label. This has been corrected.
- When exporting event tables in the vibration measurement module, an error occured when the “DIN4150-2” norm was selected in the Evaluation column but was not applied in the measuring point.
- If a device was added and deleted directly after saving without having correctly entered a device name, an error occured. This has been corrected.
- In the case of location/value evaluations (diagrams and tables) of global evaluation measuring points, incorrect times were displayed in the legend as the time zone was not correctly taken into account. This now functions again correctly.
- For charts and tables with a fixed time range, the time zone of the start time is now correct again.
Version 3.156.2005.7
New features
- Reports can now be created in tachymeter, logger or global evaluation measuring points: In the folder view, when creating or editing a report template under “Definition” in the “Reports” tab, measuring points of the above-mentioned modules can now also be added. To do this, an evaluation view must also be available for the respective module (more information on this in the following entry) Note: The creation of vector graphics is not yet possible in reports of the newly added modules at the moment.
- New intermediate level “Evaluation view” added in Edit mode of logger, global evaluation or tachymeter measuring points. : Here, several “evaluations” can be configured, each of which corresponds in its functionality to the previous “Evaluations” tab. From among these views, you can now always choose the respective one that is most suitable for the current situation. For example, one report can be created with an evaluation view, and another that requires different content can be created with different evaluation view. Instead of having to manually modify evaluations for different requirements, a separate view can be created for each situation. Switching between these views is simple. Views that have already been created can be duplicated, so that they can serve as a basis for new views. The effort required is therefore reduced to a minimum. You will find more information on evaluation views here
- A new version of the “Track monitoring” function block has been added to the tachymeter module.
- Extended upload status for document templates: When a document template is uploaded, the upload status window now displays a feedback message after the process is completed, indicating whether the process was successful. Moreover, eventual error messages are shown here in detail. Notes are also shown, if required elements are missing in the template. If possible, missing elements are now also automatically added by the system.
- There is now also the possibility to create location-value diagrams for “Global evaluations”. When creating or editing assignments, the placement coordinates of the selected logger channel (if specified) can be taken over if desired.
- For location-value diagrams, labels can now also be added to the time data . These are then noted in the diagram at the corresponding entry in the diagram legend.
- In the settings for location-value diagrams, the item “Channels” is replaced by the new entry “Location/value pairs” . This now makes it possible to assign any channel to a desired measuring point. A freely selectable text can be entered in the “Label” field, which is then displayed in the corresponding position. In addition, you can configure whether the position is marked by an orthogonal line or how thick this line is. An offset for the position labeling can also be specified.
- New possibility to create global variables and measuring point variables: To create global variables, open the project folder page, click on the house icon on the right-hand side and select “Edit project settings”. Here, new variables can be created or existing ones can be edited in the text field of the “Global variables” tab. A variabl can be entered into an input field of a function block or an evaluation, like a normal value (include $ in the entry). The SDC then reads in the value that was assigned to the variable. This means that a value that is required in several places in a project only needs to be entered in one place. It can then be used as often as necessary and can be changed quickly and centrally if necessary. Individual variables can be created for measuring points, but in contrast to global variables, these can only be used in the input fields of the respective measuring point. To create this, right click on the icon in the corresponding measuring point
and select “Edit”. In the “Settings” tab you will find the “Variables” sub-tab. Syntax for creating variables:$VariableName = ValueVariable. More information here.
Changed functions
- In the blasting module, the strength of the triggering impulse (trigger level) is only displayed in the blasting table if it is above the value 0.
Fixed bugs
- Standard users with the appropriate authorization can now properly duplicate measuring points again.
- In the measuring point management view, measuring points can now be duplicated as intended.
- If different SDC projects were opened in several tabs in a browser, it was possible that when editing and saving a logger measuring point, it was assigned to the wrong project. This has been corrected.
- Hourly mean of the A-weighted rapid sound level now works correctly again.
Version 3.156.2004.9
New features
- New settings option: SSL encryption of the API interface.
- In the menu bar, under “Setup”, you can now set whether or not the API interface requires SSL encryption. To do this, set the “SSL required” field in the “API” tab to either “Yes” or “No”.
Changed functions
- For projects in which no coordinate system was previously set, the “ETRS89_UTM” coordinate system is now selected as the standard. The error messages resulting from a non-set coordinate system when changing project data will no longer appear.
Fixed bugs
- Tables with a previously defined, fixed time interval now correctly display the data of the set interval, even if a different period is set for the measuring point via the “Smart Filter” function (
- In the list of alarm definitions, the decimal separators were inconsistent; these have now been standardized.
- Also under the iOS operating system version 13.4.1. or higher, project lists are now loaded properly again.
- Duplicating measuring points is now always possible again without an error message.
- The problem with the error messages appearing on the “Manage measuring points” page has been resolved.
- The quick access button to return to the current project folder (house icon) is no longer visible on SDCs with a Basic or Connect license. Using folders is only possible with a Pro license.
- The paragraph settings in the format template for reports have been corrected.
Version 3.156.2004.2
New features
- The shortcut menu on the left has been expanded to include the project folder point (house icon). Click on the icon to get to the project folder from anywhere in SDC. The top node in the hierarchy of folders and measuring points is called the project folder. The project properties can now be edited easily via the context menu of the project folder, without having to open the project list.
Changed functions
- When creating a report, it is now checked whether the required Word format templates are available in the report template in SDC. If this is not the case, a warning is generated and the missing format templates are automatically inserted into the generated report.
- The entry in the context menu for showing or hiding alerts is now available in all views in which alerts are displayed in lists. It is now possible to show or hide the alerts on all pages on which lists with alerts are displayed. To do this, simply click on the icon at the top right on the relevant page and select the desired option in the context menu that appears.
Version 3.152.2003.1
New features
- Two new placeholders have been added for alert definition message texts: With Alert.StartTime and Alert.EndTime, the absolute start or end time of an alert can now be used in the notifications of triggered alerts.
Changed functions
- For every project that should contain tachymeter data, an associated coordinate system must now be stored. If data is to be imported from a new tachymeter device, it is first checked whether the coordinate system stored in the device data matches that of the project. If this is not the case, the import is not carried out and an error is noted in the device log. In order to carry out a data import, the user may now have to correct the device coordinate system and then start the import again.
- In the case of online status alerts, the time since the last contact is no longer displayed by default, but rather the absolute time when the device last sent data. Existing message texts were automatically adapted, provided they had not been changed by the user.
Fixed bugs
- Error when exporting background data from a vibration measurement device has been corrected. In certain cases, SDC had falsely claimed that there was no background data.
- If data from several channels was displayed in one table, there was a display error if one or more channels contained no data within the time period represented. No measured value lines were displayed even for channels with data. Moreover, the diagram could not be exported as an image file without errors.
Version 3.150.2002.1
New features
- New quick overview of recently triggered alerts In a folder view (“Folder/measuring point” tab), the number of warnings and errors that occurred in the last 7 days is now displayed in the overview table in the “Alerts” column. If you hover with the mouse over this value, how this value is composed is displayed in detail.
- In the “Alert definitions” area
, there is now a usage statistic for each alert definition. Here, you will see how often the corresponding alert definition was used at which locations (e.g. device, measured value channe). The usage statistic is found in the list entry of the alert definition next to the “Edit” button (
) in the dropdown menu (arrow icon
- Es können nun mehrere Alarme auf einmal über einen frei definierbaren Zeitraum ausgeblendet werden.Dafür einfach bei der Übersicht über die aufgetretenen Alarme (Ausklappbares Menü über das Pfeil-Icon (
) in der Zeile der Alarmdefinition, dann Alarme“) rechts auf das „Alarmdefinition“-Icon (
) klicken „Alarme ausblenden“ (
) wählen. Hidden alerts are ignored for display purposes, but are not deleted and can be displayed again via “Show alerts”.
Changed functions
- The buttons in measuring point evaluations now have tooltips.
Fixed bugs
- If a new device is assigned to a vibration measurement measuring point, the “Last transfer” field is updates automatically and no longer contains the previous value.
- Tachymeter and logger data: In time-value diagrams with circular markers and gaps in the measured value series, the start and end markers of the corresponding curve are now correctly and completely hidden when the curve is hidden.
- Users with the required authorization now see the “Archived devices” link again as intended.
- Vibration measuring points with evaluations can now be duplicated without error messages being produced.
Version 3.149.2001.4
New features
- New overview of all alerts that occured via an alert definition. In the list of alert definitions, there is now an arrow icon (
) next to each alert definition. Clicking this opens a menu, where the “Alerts” point
can be selected. This opens a new page containing all the alerts that occured due to the selected alert definition.
- New overview of all alerts that occured via a channel. For each channel of a measuring point, a table can now be displayed containing all the alerts that occured via this channel. To do this, click on the
icon in the detail view of a measuring point and select “Edit”
. Then select the desired channel under either “Input channel” or “Output channel”. The alert table can be found under “Measured value alerts” under the channel icon
Changed functions
- If the channels selected in the device change when importing background data (vibration measurement module), the changes are now immediately applied to the SDC, no longer the next day.
- For logger and tachymeter device channels, the “Channel assignments” table now contains the “Filter” column. In the case of logger devices, the “Channel name” column has been removed from the same table.
- Calling up the logbook is now also possible via the regular, dropdown menu on the left-hand side, as well as via the
button in the symbol bar.
Fixed bugs
- In the project overivew (“Project management”
), the “Setup properties” in each project is now only visible to super administrators.
- The online state of vibration measuring points now updates itself as intended.
- If a non-admin assigns access rights for a folder (in the Edit view of a folder under the Folder Access Rights tab) without specifying at least one group to which they themself belong (and would thus theoretically lock themself out of the folder) and tries to save the changes, a corresponding error message now appears under “Folder Access Rights”, so that the user can identify the source of the error more clearly than with the previous error message.
- Users that belong to a user group of an archived project can now be edited again as intended.
- The data export of device background data in the vibration measurement module no longer aborts incorrectly when data is available.
- When visualizing on iOS devices, background images and tables now load again without errors.
- When editing measuring point assignments (vibration measurement module) in the French language version, the dropdown menu could not be used. This has been corrected.
- Formulas in assignments (logger): Error codes resulting from the formula calculation (e.g. division by 0) are now passed on to the result data set.
- Formulas with if-condition are now evaluated correctly even if a unit unequal to the base unit is specified within a condition. Example formula:
if(m1[cm] < 200; 1; 0)