This version is all about the new version of the vibration meter Menhir by Semex Engcon GmbH.
In the background we have reworked some things and in close cooperation with Semex EngCon rethought.
For vibration measuring devices, the assignments of the data were made between device measuring points and measuring points before version 5.2.0. In the background, all data streams or channels such as peak data or events of a unit were assigned to a measuring point and could then be displayed and evaluated there.
Allocations at the level of the measuring points so far:
The principle of assignments is particularly helpful in the case of a unit replacement. The measuring point in SEDRIX Smart Data Center then does not have to be completely set up again for the new device, but the assignment to the old device is terminated and another assignment to the new replacement device is created.
Disadvantages of the previous concept:
- At any one time, you could only assign one unit.
- Implicitly, all data were always assigned to a device measuring point, although possibly only certain channels were evaluated.
- There is no support for the new Menhir platform, where interval data can be configured more flexibly.
As of SEDRIX 5.2.0, the concept of assignments has been revised.
In principle, channels are now assigned directly:
This has the following advantages:
- Data from several devices can be evaluated and compared together in one measuring point.
- Only the channels that are actually used are assigned.
- It is more clearly visible which data are available at the measuring point
- The evaluations can be configured more flexibly because channels can be selected individually. For example, the peaks of several units can be compared in a diagram.
Version 5.2.0
New features
- Support for the new version of the Menhir vibration measuring device
- Several devices can now be assigned to one vibration measuring point. This makes common event tables or comparative diagrams possible
- An additional column, “Source”, can now be displayed in the event table. This is necessary if events from several devices are to be displayed in one table.
- When duplicating vibration measuring points, the data source – i.e. the device – can now be exchanged.
- In reports, evaluation views of individual measuring points can now also be added.
Changed functions
- The system of assignments for vibration measuring points has been completely revised and now offers more possibilities than before. Only the data that is really needed is assigned. Since the assignment happens at the channel level and no longer at the device measuring point level, it is now necessary to create more assignments. However, this is done in a simple way by assigning several channels in one step.
- In the evaluations, channels can be selected by type (such as peak, vector sum) or individually. It is now possible, for example, to display the peak interval data of the z-axis of several units in a diagram for comparison.
- By default, all channels of a diagram are displayed in one diagram, but it is also possible to display up to 10 channels one below the other.
- The name of the Menhir measuring device is now adopted every time data is imported into SEDRIX and can therefore no longer be changed in SEDRIX. This ensures that the name no longer differs between the Menhir web interface and in SEDRIX Smart Data Center.